It is human nature to always be looking for the right counterpart. Sometimes luck is on our side and we actually find a soul mate or even a ...
It is human nature to always be looking for the right counterpart. Sometimes luck is on our side and we actually find a soul mate or even a soul mate. However, such a connection is not always easy, it can sometimes cause great heartache. Love will only work if two souls are ready for it. It may well be that it is better if we let go of a twin soul so that we can feel better again.
The love between two twin souls is complicated
Normally twin souls complement each other perfectly, but on the other hand, they can also be completely different. It's always about the connection between a heart person and a head person, which doesn't necessarily make things easier. While one relies on love and great feelings, the other part seems rather aloof and cold. This usually behaves selfishly, while the other sacrifices himself completely. This clinging and walling often leads to despair, anger, and hurt.
If both are not willing to compromise, then this relationship cannot succeed. Sometimes the suffering outweighs the joy, a partner withdraws and everyday life becomes a struggle. Under certain circumstances, both of them have to develop further and work on themselves. It can be a lengthy learning task that both souls have to master alone. Maybe a breakup is better then, at least for a while. It is not uncommon for twin souls to find each other again later and experience pure happiness.
Various reasons speak for a separation
Once one of the partners suffers from the connection, it's time for a breakup. Of course, twin souls definitely belong together, but maybe it's just not the best time. Even if the love is so great, often the souls cannot complement each other. This can be the case, for example, if the relationship between proximity and free space is not right. Many people would like to spend every free minute with their partner, but for others, it quickly becomes too much.
If there are constant conflicts, it can happen that you distance yourself emotionally from each other. It may well be that even negative experiences from the past put a strain on the relationship. However, a partnership can only succeed if both allow feelings and communicate openly with each other. Another evil is loss of identity when one gives up oneself in order to conform to the ideas and desires of the other. So it can happen that soulmates separate in order to first work through their own issues.
Overcome the painful separation phase
Of course, it is never easy to let go of your soul mate, because the separation is associated with great pain. The grief is even greater than if we were to say goodbye to a normal partner. Since the twin soul is a part of ourselves, it takes a long time to process the separation. In order to get through this phase well, you should avoid any contact with your ex-partner. It is much more important right now to take good care of yourself. It feels good to spend a lot of time with friends or family. Maybe it's time for a change, a makeover, or a fresh styling? Journaling can help you come to terms with your feelings. The focus should now be on your own goals and desires.
A breakup doesn't have to be forever
Even if soulmates separate, they still remain connected in a certain way. Such a separation is often necessary so that a stable relationship can develop later. After all, it is a process that requires the advancement of both parties. If you didn't break up, you would get caught up in more and more trouble.
Healing can only take place if you can also let go of the twin soul. First, you have to take care of yourself to be ready for a lasting partnership. Under no circumstances should you wait for your soul mate to return because then you can't really let go. It is also not guaranteed that the twin soul will actually return. Maybe you even enter into another partnership and only meet again many years later. So time will tell if we ever find each other again.